my girl next door Chrisya Keren, tagged me said that I might have some random facts to share. I’ll give it a try. Here are 15 random facts about me:
1.“the most beautiful makeup for a woman is passion, but cosmetics are easier to buy”-Yves Saint Laurent
I am a makeup freak!! I dream to be professional makeup artist, but i think i am since i earn some cash from that profession so appearently i am a makeup artist. Those charming expensive products are not guarantee your look, it is how you used your resources is more important and i mean it.
2. “Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest... It's about who came, and never left your side”-Unknown
Even im that glamour, sometimes i prefer to sitting at a the coffee shoop and have a quality time with couples of good friends. Its more intimate and warm.
3. “there is a life after a cup of coffee”-Unknown
I love coffee. I prefer the cold one instead of hot. For hot black coffee i like Lampung, Mandailing and Toraja. AND ALL OF FANCY COFFEE, those are taste good.
4. “You are what you eat”-Unknown
Eat dont pleased me, dont ask me to go out and eat. I just do not really like eat. I eat because i have too. I dont like pooridge, coconut water, rice, ribs, soto mie, sayur asem and cookies. i dont like snack, i dont eat pinneaple.
5. “All a woman needs is a good bath, clean clothes, and for her hair to be combed. These things she can do herself. I very seldom go to the hairdresser, but when I do, I just marvel.”-Hedy Lamarr
I go to the skin care once a month, i do my eyebrows once in a week, i creambath my hair once in a month, I washed my hair and put conditoner on it EVERYMORNING and dry it before i hit the college.
6. I love movie, but funny thing is I HATE CINEMA!! LOL. Action, Comedy, CARTOON (love it so much) and biography, dont feed me any romance, i hate that.
7. I put a heart into a song, LOL. I listen to the lyrics and relate it to my life, freak!!! But i did it all the time. hahahahahaha
8. Television serries freak!! How I Met Your Mother, F.R.I.E.D.S, Gossip Girl, House, Grey’s Anatomy, GLEE, Band of Brother, LOST, Glimore Girls, Chuck, Homeland, Ally McBeal and so on.
9. Im lovable, you can easily fallin in love with your friend or someone that you can talk about everything cause i like to know everything. And maybe sometimes i would run into you and ask you discuss about your favorite things because i put my concern into what you like.
10. Most of my friends are boys.
11. my baby brother (Gilang) are my life, my motivation.
12. Im not good at romance. I screw my love life a lot. I dont do “sayang, kamu lagi ngapain?”, “kita pake baju kembar yuk!”, “aku mau masakin kamu sesuatu”, and “Kamu mau kemana? Temen2 kamu siapa? Main apa? Pulang jam berapa?”. I just pretend that im a man.
13. Im a geek actually, my college is so serious, i do read a lot about mathematics and actuarial,accounting and economy. I can imagine myself become a great actuary or accountant or an accountant lecture or pursuing my doctoral degree someday.
14. I cant sing but i loved to sing, kyahahaha.
15. I dont like kids, haha. The only kid i like is just my baby brother. Every women should really enjoy their time without being disturb her role as a MOM, so i dream to create a restaurant and coffee bar WITH DAY CARE, then my girls will always have a time to hang out with me without being worried leaving their kids home.

- audy
- Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
- just ordinary girl but into to change super girl